Germany: In 20 years, 1 in 3 people will have migrant roots In large cities, up to 70% of inhabitants will have a migrant background in two decades, experts say. Germany will need to attract a 'range of nationalities' to keep the 'economy stable.'

(Deutsche Welle) By 2040, about 35% of Germany’s population will have a migrant background or be a migrant themselves, according to a German migration expert.

Herbert Brücker, who heads the migration research department at the Federal Institute for Employment Research (IAB), told the Welt daily on Monday that Germany “will become more diverse.”

“Currently, about a quarter of the people in German[y] have a migrant background,” Brücker said. “In 20 years, it will be at least 35%, but could also be more than 40%.”

He noted that in cities, that figure is likely to be higher. “What we see in the big cities today will be normal for the country as a whole in the future,” Brücker said. “In a city like Frankfurt, we’ll have between 65% to 70%.”

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