France strips 7 police officers of guns after Paris attack A fatal attack by an employee at headquarters in Paris has prompted increased internal vigilance, but experts warned about religious stereotyping.

(NY Times) Seven French police officers have been ordered to hand over their weapons and at least one employee has been suspended after security forces were encouraged to report signs of radicalization in their ranks following the fatal knife attack this month at Paris Police Headquarters, the police chief told lawmakers this week.

In the attack on Oct. 3, a veteran police employee killed four colleagues before he was fatally shot in the fortresslike building’s courtyard. The killings abruptly reawakened France to the threat of terrorism, and led President Emmanuel Macron to urge a return to a “society of vigilance.”

One of the most striking signs of that has been the focus on radicalization within the security forces. Agents have raised more concerns about colleagues’ behavior in the past three weeks than in the previous seven years combined, the police chief, Didier Lallement, told a parliamentary hearing on Wednesday.

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