Germany prevented 7 attacks since Berlin Christmas market atrocity An attack like the one that left 12 dead in 2016 would not be possible today, says the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office. But the effects of online hate speech have officials worried for democracy in Germany.

(Deutsche Welle) Security authorities have prevented seven terrorist attacks in Germany since the 2016 Christmas market terror attack that killed 12, says Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office.

In an interview with German daily Rheinische Post published Wednesday, the organization’s president Holger Münch said that the deficiencies in immigration law, surveillance, and criminal prosecution that allowed the 2016 attack to happen would no longer be possible today.

On December 19, 2016, Anis Amri, a rejected asylum-seeker from Tunisia, stole a semi truck, killed the driver and drove the vehicle into an unprotected Christmas market at Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz. More than 60 people were wounded and 12 died. Amri was later shot dead by authorities in Italy while on the run.

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