Sanders campaign taps vocal anti-Israel activist as surrogate New team member accuses Israel of stealing land, Trump of leading KKK rallies

(Free Beacon) Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has tapped as his latest 2020 campaign surrogate an American-Palestinian comedian who has defended notorious anti-Semites, accused President Donald Trump of leading “a KKK rally,” and routinely claimed that Israel stole land from the Palestinian people, according to a review of his social media accounts.

The Sanders campaign tapped Amer Zahr, a law professor and stand-up comedian, to serve as an official surrogate for his 2020 presidential bid.

In addition to his repeated attacks on the Jewish state, Zahr, who did not respond to a Washington Free Beacon request for comment on his tweets, accused Trump of leading “a KKK rally” when he held a July event for supporters in North Carolina.

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