Over 150 migrants in Morocco climb fences to Spanish enclave

(AP) At least 155 migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa successfully entered the Spanish enclave of Ceuta after climbing over fences or walking across a border post separating the territory from Morocco, authorities said Friday.

Seven of the migrants clung to the top of a 6-meter-tall (19.5 feet) fence for over two hours until law enforcement officers brought them down and handed them over to their Moroccan counterparts, said the Spanish central government’s delegation in Ceuta.

A larger group of around 250 attempted the breach simultaneously at a breakwater where the 8.2-kilometer (5-mile) double fence meets the sea. Most of them were from West Africa’s Guinea.

Morocco’s official news agency MAP quoted local authorities in the northern M’diq Fnideq prefecture as saying that 400 migrants staying in the country illegally had attempted to cross the fences and that 90 of them had been immediately arrested.

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