Anti-Islamist Geert Wilders claims minister colluded with prosecutors in hate speech case

(NL Times) Former Justice [Minister] Ivo Opstelten and the Public Prosecution Service discussed the prosecution of PVV leader Geert Wilders for hate speech even before the Public Prosecution Service had made the decision to prosecute the nationalist politician, RTL Nieuws report based on a secret official document it received from the Ministry of justice and Security. Wilders is furious and demands that the case against him be dropped.

The document, dated 16 September 2014, speaks of an “intended decision” on the Wilders hate speech case, and therefore not a definite, final decision. That is important, because the Public Prosecution Service always said that the decision to prosecute Wilders was made on September 10th.

According to RTL, this shows that the minister and Public Prosecution Service discussed the Wilders case before the decision was made to prosecute him.

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