Sweden: Islamophobic politician expelled from her party Iranian-origin politician expelled as she harmed confidence of party 'seriously' because of her views, acts on religion

(Anadolu) An Islamophobic politician was expelled from [the] Left Party in Sweden as the politician’s views on religion contradicted with party policy, said the secretary-general in a press conference on Wednesday.

Secretary-General of [the] Left Party Aron Etzler said the politician Amineh Kakabaveh’s acts and Islamophobic rhetoric “seriously” harmed the confidence of the party.

“She [Kakabaveh] claimed that an Islamic caliphate was founded in Swedish suburbs. She shared in her social media account a fake propaganda news made by the racists about Islam. Also, she wants the ban of religious symbols in schools,” Etzler added.

Kakabaveh, who is Iranian-origined, had also submitted motions to the parliament repeatedly, proposing the removal of PKK from the terror list.

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