Trump fumes as allies reject ISIS captives: ‘They didn’t come from the United States’

(Washington Times) The Trump administration’s push for allies to take custody of foreign-born Islamic State fighters held in makeshift prisons in Syria is yielding only limited results, fueling mounting anger in Washington in the effort to secure long-term defeat of the terror group.

President Trump’s frustration over the matter boiled over in recent days, with the president telling reporters at the recent G-7 summit in Biarritz, France, that America won’t foot the hefty bill of jailing the jihadists at the U.S. detainee center at Guantanamo Bay. The U.S., Mr. Trump suggested, might be forced to “release” hardened ISIS detainees back into their homelands if countries such as France and Germany continue to balk at taking them back.

“It’s unfair for the United States to take them, because they didn’t come from the United States,” Mr. Trump said.

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