Leuven Town Council opposes the withdrawal of recognition from the Al Ihsaan mosque

(Brussels Times) The Leuven communal council spoke out on Monday evening against the withdrawal of recognition from the Al Ihsaan mosque.

This opinion was expressed in the context of the process begun by the Flemish minister-president Liesbeth Homans (N-VA) to withdraw official recognition from the place of worship because of the Salafist activities reported to be led there.

The Sp.a, Groen, CD&V, Open Vld and PVDA parties supported the view of Leuven council, the N-VA and Vlaams Belang voted against it.

Homans, the new Flemish minister-president also in charge of internal affairs, set in motion a process on … July 26 through which the Al Ihsaan mosque in Wilsele (Leuven) would lose its official recognition and would not receive any more subsidies.

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