‘Jihadi Jack’ has a constitutional right to come to Canada. But getting in may not be so easy Letts could try to settle in Canada now that his U.K. citizenship has been stripped

(CBC) Jack Letts has every right as a Canadian citizen to come to Canada, legal analysts say, but the man dubbed “Jihadi Jack” by the media and accused of being an ISIS fighter may not have an easy time getting into the country.

“Citizenship doesn’t actually give you the means to get into Canada,” said Sharry Aiken, an associate law professor at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont.

Letts, who held dual citizenship with Britain and Canada, is currently being detained by Kurdish authorities in a prison in northern Syria near the Turkish border. But the possibility that he could eventually settle in Canada recently became an issue when it was revealed that Britain had revoked his citizenship.

Letts himself, in an exclusive interview with the British-based ITV News on Monday, said he would like to come to Canada.

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