Syrian Kurds hand over four ‘Islamic State’ children to Germany Kurdish authorities in Syria have handed over four children to Germany who had parents that were 'Islamic State' fighters. Many EU countries are grappling with how to handle returning foreign fighters and their families.

(Deutsche Welle) The Kurdish-led autonomous administration in northeastern Syria on Monday handed to Germany four children whose parents were part of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) terror outfit, Kurdish sources and a spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

There are three orphans — a boy, two girls, and a 6-month-old baby girl who is very sick, Abdel Karim Umer, head of foreign relations in the Kurdish administration, told Germany’s DPA news agency.

The Kurdish official said the children have been handed over to a German delegation, and there were negotiations to take one more person, but Umer gave no further details.

This is the first time Germany has taken back Islamic State children from war-torn Syria. The children were living in northeastern Syria’s al-Hol camp, home to nearly 74,000 people.

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