Sydney man ‘more extreme than IS’ jailed

(AAP) It wasn’t the murder of innocent people or beheading videos that caused a Sydney man to “fall out” with Islamic State, but an argument over whether the terrorist group’s views were “extreme” enough.

Amin Elmir will spend at least four years in jail after pleading guilty to preparing — between April and June 2016 — to travel from Turkey to Syria for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities for IS.

In the NSW Supreme Court at Parramatta on Friday, Elmir refused to stand for Justice David Davies as he was jailed for five years and five months, with a non-parole period of four years and one month.

Born and raised in Australia, Elmir travelled to Turkey following a disagreement with his family while they were returning from a religious pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the court heard.

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