In climbdown, Israel says Tlaib can enter to visit her Palestinian family Congresswoman to be allowed into the country after she vows to respect ‘any restrictions,’ refrain from promoting a boycott during her stay

(Times of Israel) Interior Minister Aryeh Deri on Friday said he would allow Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, whom Israel barred from visiting the country a day earlier along with her colleague Ilhan Omar, to enter Israel on humanitarian grounds.

The decision came hours after Tlaib submitted a letter requesting to be allowed in despite the ban, citing her elderly Palestinian grandmother in the West Bank. The Interior Ministry had said Thursday that it would consider letting Tlaib enter Israel on humanitarian grounds in order to visit her relatives in the West Bank.

“I would like to request admittance to Israel in order to visit my relatives, and specifically my grandmother, who is in her 90s and lives in Beit Ur al-Fouqa,” Tlaib wrote in her letter to Deri.

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