What Muslim ban? 2020 Democrats go easy on Trump Muslim-American activists say their issues are getting short shrift in the Democratic primary.

(Politico) Donald Trump’s travel ban triggered a nationwide backlash on the left — but in the eyes of many Muslims, you wouldn’t know it listening to the Democratic presidential hopefuls.

Now, Muslim operatives and activists are expressing alarm that their community has been all but neglected by the 2020 contenders as they focus on more prominent voting blocs. They say Trump has repeatedly antagonized Muslim Americans — not only with the travel ban barring most people from several majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States, but with his singling out of Muslim members of Congress — and based on the campaign, he appears to be getting away with it.

The travel ban was discussed for less than two minutes during the first two Democratic primary debates in June and July, they note. They say it’s rarely mentioned in candidates’ stump speeches, either.

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