Muslim initiative raises $13,000 to release detained migrant parents

(Religion News) Led by two of the country’s most prominent imams, hundreds of U.S. Muslims have raised more than $13,000 to bail out detained migrant parents.

Launched on Monday (Aug. 5) by the Islamic nonprofit CelebrateMercy, the Muslims for Migrants campaign has already exceeded its original goal of raising $10,000 in two weeks. Funds will go to the National Bail Fund Network, which works with more than two dozen local community bond funds.

“Looking at a project like this, I can’t think of something that is more useful to do with your money to help detained families,” said Ryan Smith, a case manager with Chicago’s Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants. “It’s something that’s so underfunded, and for the families I work with it’s often eight months to a year before they’re released.”

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