Jewish advocacy groups voice concern over partisan rhetoric on Israel

(Washington Times) Republicans have been aggressive this year in challenging Democrats over support for Israel — and some key Jewish advocacy groups say they fear it is backfiring and sowing more division over U.S. relations with its closest Middle East ally.

One official at J Street, an advocacy group, said attempts by the GOP to paint Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar as anti-Semitic became “reckless.” Others said they worry that attempts to score political points over Israel have grown unseemly.

“I’m very concerned about the sort of weaponization of the U.S.-Israel relationship and frankly, the weaponization of the charges of anti-Semitism,” [Jason] Isaacson, chief policy and political affairs officer of the American Jewish [Committee], told the Washington Times. “I would prefer if politicians stick to the facts … and avoid accusing their fellow politicians of heinous crimes.”

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