Labour branch secretary suspended over Hezbollah ‘love’ poem Huseyin Abudharr Ali also claimed Hollywood is Zionist propaganda machine and compared Israel to ISIS

(Jewish News) The former secretary of Stroud Green Labour has been suspended within weeks of being elected after a poem expressing “love” for Hezbollah was exposed.

Huseyin Abudharr Ali, who was elected by 36 votes to 7 last month, has been suspended from the party and his role after online posts were uncovered, it is understood.

A review of Ali’s blog found a number of antisemitic references and a photograph of Ali standing next to a man holding up [a] Hezbollah flag.

It is believed the photograph was taken before Hezbollah was proscribed in its entirety earlier this year.

Ali, who described Jeremy Corbyn as an “anti-Imperialist and anti-racist” in 2017, is the secretary of the local Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) Haringey Justice for Palestinians.

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