Air Canada staff allegedly forced a 12-year-old passenger to remove her hijab Fatima Abdelrahman had already passed through security when they forced [her to] remove her hijab.

(Narcity) Canada’s primary airline is facing allegations of racial prejudice following a questionable security incident. Air Canada is being questioned by the family of a 12-year-old girl after staff allegedly pulled the girl aside and forced her to remove her hijab at the gate. The girl had passed through airport security at the time of the inspection inciting questions about the motive behind the last-minute search.

According to a report by City News, it was the first time that the girl, Fatima Abdelrahman, had travelled alone. Abdelrahman was flying to Canada from San Francisco to take part in a squash competition. “The person at the gate asked me to take my scarf off even though I already passed security and they had checked my passport,” she told the media outlet in an interview.

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