CAIR slams pro-Israel Saudi blogger

(IPT) The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) markets itself as a civil rights group and claims that it is an American organization focused on the interests of American Muslims.

“As a civil rights organization, we’re not here in the business of being dragged into the Middle East affairs and the conflicts in the Middle East. We are an American organization,” CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush insisted in 2013.

As we’ve pointed out, that was a convenient way for Ayloush to dodge a question about whether CAIR denounces Hamas as a terrorist organization. (It doesn’t.) CAIR, in fact, often thrusts itself into “Middle East affairs and the conflicts in the Middle East” when it can bash Israel.

Last week’s visit to the Jewish state by pro-Israel Saudi blogger Mohammed Saud proved too tempting for CAIR to ignore.

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