Rep. Ilhan Omar was asked to condemn female genital mutilation — again. She was not happy Omar said she was 'disgusted' that she keeps getting asked questions that wouldn't be asked of non-Muslim politicians.

(BuzzFeed) Rep. Ilhan Omar gave a polite verbal thrashing to an audience member who asked her to condemn female genital mutilation during a conference in DC on Tuesday, saying she’s “disgusted” by some of the questions asked solely of Muslim politicians.

The dispute came during a conference for Muslim Americans in politics, when Ani Osman-Zonneveld of Muslims for Progressive Values asked Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (who was scheduled but could not make the event) to condemn female genital mutilation.

“I am, I think, quite disgusted I think to be honest that as Muslim legislators, we are constantly being asked to waste our time speaking to issues that other people are not asked to speak to because … the assumption exists that we somehow support and are for [the issue],” Omar responded.

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