Jew-hater Sofian Zakkout removed from board of anti-crime group When will Crime Stoppers follow suit and remove Zakkout as well?

(FrontPage) Sofian Zakkout, the president of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), likes to tout his membership on the boards of directors of two prominent anti-crime groups. However, his activities concerning support for terrorists, the belittling of Jews, and most recently, his promotion of an appeal to free a cop killer make him unworthy of such a position and degrade the anti-crime groups, themselves. No doubt, Zakkout’s huge list of outrages has caused one of these groups, Citizens’ Crime Watch, to cut ties with him. Now, it is time for Crime Stoppers, the other anti-crime group Zakkout sits on the board of, to do the same.

South Florida Muslim leader Sofian Zakkout’s name no longer appears on the executive committee page of the Citizens’ Crime Watch of Miami-Dade County website. As confirmed by Citizens’ Crime Watch Executive Director Carmen Caldwell, Zakkout has been removed from the group’s board of directors. It appears this took place following this author’s June FrontPage Magazine article on Zakkout and his assault on the Jewish community and the Holocaust, as the Crime Watch site change took place this month.

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