Dutch intelligence boss speaks out about Islamic school controversy

(NL Times) Intelligence and security service AIVD underestimated the social impact its official report earlier this year on Amsterdam Islamic high school Cornelius Haga Lyceum would have, AIVD director Dick Schoof said to the Volkskrant. The service warned Amsterdam that the school wanted to devote half of its curriculum to Salafist doctrine, causing an uproar.

“We have to conclude that we did not sufficiently control, contain, the social dynamics. That we did not sufficiently take the feelings in the Muslim community into account,” Schoof said to the newspaper.

According to Schoof, the AIVD did not insist that the information in the official report be made public. “We do no benefit from the disclosure of confidential communications,” he said. But the national coordinator for counter-terrorism NCTV and the municipality of Amsterdam were allowed to disclose the information, he added.

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