Prosecutor wants Wilders to pay €5,000 fine for anti-Moroccan remarks

(Dutch News) “Do you want more or fewer Moroccans?” PVV leader Geert Wilders asked a crowd in 2014. “Fewer, fewer, fewer,” they shouted. “Then we will arrange that,” he told them. It is those comments that have repeatedly landed Wilders in court over the last five years.

Today the Dutch public prosecution service (OM) demanded Wilders pay a €5,000 fine for a conviction of inciting racial discrimination stemming from the 2014 remarks.


In 2016, Wilders was found guilty of inciting discrimination against Dutch Moroccans. Judges in the case found that his remarks were “demeaning and insulting to the Moroccan population.”

Though they convicted him, the three-judge panel declined to impose a fine or another penalty.

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