State: Dearborn employee fired for anti-Muslim remarks did not commit misconduct

(Detroit Free Press) The state of Michigan has determined that a former city of Dearborn employee who was fired for making anti-Muslim remarks online did not commit misconduct and is eligible to receive unemployment benefits.

Bill Larion, 58, was terminated by the city last month after he posted on Facebook insulting remarks about a Muslim woman who was the first swimsuit model in Sports Illustrated to wear hijab and cover herself in accordance with Islamic beliefs.

Larion posted in reference to a photo of the model, Halima Aden, that appeared in the iconic swimsuit issue: “Cute picture should be on the cover of Camels are us.”

The post sparked criticism from many in Dearborn, which is more than 46% Arab-American. Dearborn Mayor Jack O’Reilly Jr. blasted the comments, saying “I have zero tolerance for the type of language used in the Facebook comment.”

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