Study: Radical Muslim inmates rule UK prisons

(IPT) One group, radicalized Muslims, dominates the UK prison system, Britain’s Ministry of Justice found in a study into prison gangs released earlier this month.

The study included interviews with 83 inmates and 73 staffers from several prisons.

Operating as a prison gang, the group calls itself the “brotherhood.” And while it doesn’t appear connected to the Egyptian Islamist movement, it does try to enforce its version of Islamic law on all prisoners regardless of faith. Rules cover personal hygiene and what inmates are allowed to eat in their cell block. Some inmates may be forced to pay a tax to the Muslim brotherhood.

In fundamentalist Islam, non-believers pay a tax known as “jizya.”

The brotherhood “was the only group mentioned by staff and prisoners; they did not consider there to be any other significant groups of prisoners,” the report said.

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