Documents shed light on why Omar reviewed her tax returns

(MPR) Depositions, correspondence and other records generated in a state board’s investigation into irregularities in Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign spending provide extra details about how questions over the Democratic lawmaker’s tax filings were first raised and handled.

Last week, the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board issued findings that Omar improperly billed expenses of a personal nature and some travel to her campaign. In doing so, the board indicated that Omar appeared to file a joint tax return with her husband before they were legally married. The board didn’t review or seek Omar’s tax returns, which were outside the scope of its probe.

Omar, a former DFL state legislator who now represents a Minneapolis district in Congress, has said little about the status of her 2014 and 2015 tax returns other than a campaign spokesman’s statement that her returns are “fully compliant with all applicable tax law.”

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