Michigan mosque leader says ‘wife beating’ is a way to remind a woman she ‘misbehaved’

(Fox) A clip unveiled by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) this week shows Michigan-based Shiite Imam Bassem al-Sheraa “educating” students on the role of “wife-beating.”

According to the video, the imam tells the class at the Az-Zahraa Islamic Center in Detroit that when the Quran references such a physical act toward one’s wife, it is a “beating” that should be conducted without causing pain or any red markings; but as a reminder to the woman that she “misbehaved in cases when words (of admonishment) do not make her change her ways.”

“It is just like when your child reaches to touch the electrical socket or a fire, what do you do? You go like that,” Sheraa explained. “It is just like when your child picks up something dangerous and is about to eat it. You hit his hand like that as a reminder. That is what ‘beating’ means.”

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