PM rebukes Omar, Tlaib after they request help for BDS activist Netanyahu says radical anti-Israel congresswomen are 'antithesis to the strong support for Israel' in Washington. The two were among the signatories of letter asking Israeli government to renew visa for Human Rights Watch Israel director Omar Shakir.

(Israel Hayom) In a letter sent to U.S. lawmakers on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a strong rebuke of Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan), saying the two were “the antithesis to the strong support for Israel” on Capitol Hill.

The letter was in response to a letter signed by a group of U.S. Congress members who had asked him to intervene in the case of Omar Shakir, the regional director of Human Rights Watch and an activist in the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

Shakir was denied an extension of his visa because he was actively engaged in anti-Israel propaganda during his stay in Israel. The Supreme Court recently issued a temporary injunction to prevent Shakir’s deportation and will make a final ruling in the coming days.

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