Mayor speaks at Alexandria interfaith Ramadan dinner Islamic Relief USA, a humanitarian nonprofit based in Alexandria, hosted its annual Ramadan dinner.

(Patch) Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) hosted the 3rd Annual City of Alexandria Interfaith Ramadan Dinner at its Wheeler Avenue headquarters on Wednesday, May 29.

Mayor Justin Wilson, along with virtually all of the City Council members, were in attendance. They were joined by several other city officials from the police, fire, and emergency management departments, along with the city administration.

The event served as a way for IRUSA to show its appreciation to the local community. IRUSA has operated its headquarters in Alexandria for over a decade.

“We are honored to host Islamic Relief USA,” Mayor Wilson said in his remarks.

Wilson mentioned IRUSA’s major goals, which he said are similar to the ones he and city officials tackle daily: elimination of poverty, elimination of hunger, expanding gender equity, meaningful action on climate change, and developing partnerships.

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