Youth accused in Kingston, Ont., terrorism case rearrested on new charges

(Canadian Press) An eastern Ontario teen already facing five charges related to an alleged terrorism plot has been rearrested after breaching his bail conditions, police and lawyers said Tuesday.

Like many of the previous proceedings concerning the boy from Kingston, Ont., the details of his latest arrest are shielded by a publication ban. But city police said the teen had been rearrested on Sunday and charged with one count each of mischief and breach of recognizance.

The charges were confirmed by the boy’s lawyer, Simon Borys, who said the youth is currently in a detention facility while he awaits his next court date.

“We are investigating the allegations ourselves,” Borys said in a telephone interview. “I have follow-up investigation to do based on what I’m being told by my client and what I’m hearing from the police.”

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