Gothenburg Isis fighter’s seven orphaned children one step closer to returning home

(Local) The seven children of dead Isis fighter Michael Skråmo have been given the green light to be taken from a Syrian refugee camp to Sweden’s consulate in Iraq, reports TV4.

Kurdish authorities in Iraq announced on Friday that the children of notorious Islamic State fighter and recruiter Michael Skråmo can be taken from the al-Hol refugee camp in Syria to Sweden’s consulate in the city of Erbil in Iraq.

The children, aged between one and eight years old, were left orphaned and alone in the caliphate after their father was killed in battle in the Syrian town of Baghouz in late March. Their mother was also killed in early 2019.

“It feels wonderful, it’s a huge relief,” Skråmos’s father told Swedish broadcaster TV4, adding that the children will be admitted to a private hospital when they arrive at Erbil.

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