Former congressman Keith Ellison: Trump’s attacks on Ilhan Omar are ‘violent incitement’ ‘I don’t know if they don’t realize they’re risking her safety or they just don’t care,’ said the first Muslim member of Congress and Omar’s Minnesota predecessor.

(Daily Beast) Former congressman Keith Ellison has a theory for why President Donald Trump is working to make Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) public enemy number one.

“She, simply by her existence, is a person who he doesn’t believe belongs,” Ellison said in an exclusive interview with the Daily Beast. “She’s a Muslim, she’s a woman, she wears a hijab, she’s black, before she ever opens her mouth she’s offensive to him.”

Omar has been a constant lightning rod for controversy since arriving in Washington, where her comments about the Israel lobby have drawn intense criticism from her Democratic and Republican colleagues alike.

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