‘Counterpart,’ Jamal Khashoggi honored by the Muslim Public Affairs Council’s Hollywood Bureau Media Awards In a time when Muslims are frequently under attack, Hollywood has begun to take the opposite approach with an aim to be more inclusive.

(Hollywood Reporter) The Muslim Public Affairs Council’s Hollywood Bureau held its 28th annual Media Awards on Sunday night, highlighting those in the industry who are creating inclusive opportunities and authentic portrayals of the Muslim community.

This year’s honorees included Counterpart‘s Betty Gabriel and Justin Marks, the Washington Post‘s Jamal Khashoggi and Karen Attiah, and Jinn writer/director Nijla Baseema Mu’min. These three honorees were selected because of their importance in reflecting Muslims more truly and deeply, said MPAC director Sue Obeidi.

Starz’s Counterpart was a show the council actively consulted on, Obeidi said, and “we just saw how hard they were working in getting the story not just right, not just dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s, but really going above and beyond to make sure that the character was authentic.”

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