Germany to push for imams to be trained locally, not abroad In an effort to curb foreign influence and foster integration, the German government is pressing for imams to be educated locally, in Germany. Are German Muslim communities willing to back the idea? DW investigates.

(Deutsche Welle) Forty-three-year-old imam Murat Gül is president of the Islamic Federation of Berlin and teaches Islam at the local Rosa Parks primary school.

“Ever since I was a young boy, I had a love for the Koran,” said Gül, who was born in the southwestern German town of Weinheim. He read it at home with his father, went to Turkey, attended a Koran course and finished his Islamic studies in Egypt. Gül said that while he was interested in learning about Islam, he “never planned to become an imam.”

Upon his return to Germany, Gül applied to study medicine: “But then I witnessed young people using drugs, with no vision for the future.” This inspired him to help children. “So I started to give Islam lessons,” he said.

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