NJ imam claims IDF chief rabbi condoned rape of Palestinian women Baker Assaf calls on Muslims to hate ‘Zionism’ rather than Jews, says Islam won’t accept gays but won’t ‘kick anybody off the Empire State Building’

(Times of Israel) A New Jersey imam has accused the chief rabbi of the Israeli army of condoning the rape of Palestinian women.

In a February sermon at the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Paterson, NJ, Baker Assaf said Muslims should not direct their hatred at Jews but at Zionism.

“There is a statement that a lot of Arabs say: May Allah curse the Jewish people. Where does it come from? It is not in the Quran,” Assaf said, in comments provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “There is a misunderstanding of where to direct that hate, and it is towards Zionism — not the Jewish religion.”

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