Academics & Education

Public school teachers, principals to be banned from wearing religious symbols Sources have told Radio-Canada the CAQ's secularism bill will go further than initially expected

(CBC) Quebec public schools teachers and school principals will be prohibited from wearing religious symbols such as the hijab or kippa, under a bill likely to be tabled later this week in the provincial legislature. The long-awaited legislation from the Coaltion Avenir […]

Academics & Education

California school district forced to dump CAIR’s Islamic indoctrination program San Diego district settles federal lawsuit brought by Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund.

(FrontPage) The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund forced an unprecedented lawsuit settlement on the San Diego Unified School District, which partnered with the terrorism-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, requiring the district to shut down its discriminatory, unconstitutional “anti-Islamophobia initiative.” The embattled CAIR […]