At town hall, Rep. Max Rose apologizes to Jewish constituents for Omar’s rhetoric

(Jewish Insider) Rep. Max Rose (D-NY) began his town hall meeting with Jewish constituents on Tuesday night with an apology. “As a young congressman, I’ve got to tell you I’m sorry,” Rose confessed to the crowd gathered by the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO) of Staten Island. “You sent me to Congress to take responsibility. You sent me to Congress to have your back … and I failed you. Because I know that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s comments really caused you all a lot of pain by bringing up anti-Semitic tropes.”

Rose referenced his own military service to hit back at the charge of “dual allegiances” among the Jewish community. “Certainly as a Jewish combat veteran, I could tell you I don’t have dual allegiance,” Rose declared. “I have allegiance to the flag. I have allegiance to the United States of America.”

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