These Muslim and Jewish community leaders are united in frustration at Ilhan Omar’s comments

(CNN) Rep. Ilhan Omar’s controversial comments about Israel and Jews have driven a wedge through her Democratic Party in Congress.

But in her home district in Minnesota, her words are bringing some Jewish and Muslim activists, constituents and leaders together … in denunciation.

Omar Jamal, Steve Hunegs, Mohamed Ahmed and Avi Olitzky agree on the characterization of language Omar used. When Omar talked about Israel “hypnotizing” the world, they said it was anti-Semitic. When she said American support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins baby,” referring to $100 notes, they said it was anti-Semitic. And when she questioned whether American lawmakers and lobbyists had loyalty to Israel, they said it was anti-Semitic. Local leaders want her to understand why her words were causing so much pain.

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