Linda Sarsour ‘triggered’ by ‘hate mob’ against Omar ‘giving condolences’ to Muslim community after shooting

(Daily Caller) Liberal Muslim activist Linda Sarsour tweeted that she is “triggered” by a “hate mob” against Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar that is “now giving condolences” to the Muslim community in the wake of the Christchurch, New Zealand shootings.

“I am triggered by those who piled on Representative Ilhan Omar and incited a hate mob against her until she got assassination threats now giving condolences to our community,” Sarsour tweeted Saturday morning. “What we need you to do is reflect on how you contribute to islamophobia and stop doing that.”

Sarsour’s tweet comes a day after Chelsea Clinton, attending a vigil at New York University to honor the 49 Muslim victims of Friday’s mass shooting, was publicly scolded for condemning the Minnesota congresswoman for a series of anti-Semitic tweets and comments, comments which Sarsour herself has defended.

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