Muslim-turned-Christian refugees in the Netherlands face threats

(Crux) Christian relief organizations in the Netherlands recently raised the alarm about the fact that Christian refugees in the country are being threatened or bullied on a regular basis, especially when they used to be Muslim. Three of these refugees were willing to share their story.

Faradoun Fouad: ‘I’m still getting threats every single day’

Faraidoun Fouad fled Kurdistan in northern Iraq. Once safely arrived in the Netherlands, he came into contact with Christianity.

“I converted in 1999,” he said. “In 2002 God called me to reach out to my own people. Directly after my conversion to Christianity I received the first threats. People who I thought were my friends, became my enemies.”

It got to a point where he had to flee the asylum seekers center he was staying in to go live with a family he knew from church.

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