Imam denies that statements made at North Philly mosque were anti-Semitic

(Philadelphia Inquirer) A visiting imam accused of making anti-Semitic statements at a North Philadelphia mosque has said the slurs attributed to him are “completely false,” prompting the Anti-Defamation League on Monday to label him “shamefully unrepentant” and his denial “brazen.”

Imam Abdelmohsen Abouhatab was recorded delivering sermons in Arabic during a series of guest speeches at the Al-Aqsa Islamic Society. The excerpts were “taken out of context to accuse me of anti-Semitism,” he said in a statement released Saturday. Islam, he said, “calls me to living peacefully alongside others who share different faiths, and to never transgress against the rights of others, while always speaking the words of truth when need be and under the shade of the law.”

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