I’m a Muslim who’s angry at Dems’ failure to condemn anti-Semite Omar They betrayed loyal Jewish supporters

(Fox) According to polls, more than 75 percent of American Jewish voters cast ballots for Democratic candidates in the November midterm elections. But sadly, Democrats who control the U.S. House betrayed that loyal support Thursday when they failed to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar for repeatedly engaging in hate-filled attacks on Jews and the Jewish state of Israel.

Thursday was — to borrow a phrase from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt when Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 — “a date which will live in infamy.”

Omar, a freshman Democrat representing a district in Minnesota, has engaged in ugly, explicit and repeated displays of anti-Semitism against Jews in the U.S. and around the world. She has demonized Israel with false accusations about its treatment of Palestinians. And she has clearly done all this deliberately.

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