Jeremy Corbyn: Removing IS teen Shamima Begum’s UK citizenship ‘not right’ The Labour leader questions the government's action against the 19-year-old and claims 'she should be brought back' to Britain.

(Sky News) Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News stripping Islamic State recruit Shamima Begum of her British citizenship is “not the right thing to do.”

The Labour leader questioned Home Secretary Sajid Javid’s decision to bar the 19-year-old from the UK, adding “she should be brought back” to Britain.

Shamima Begum, who travelled to Syria as a 15-year-old schoolgirl in 2015, recently gave birth to a baby boy in a refugee camp in the country.

She now wants to come back to the UK to raise her son, but the Home Office has revoked her British citizenship.

Despite not commenting directly on her case, Mr Javid has suggested he can take such action because the teenager is a dual national or has the right to citizenship elsewhere.

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