Tom Ricketts says Cubs will keep promise, follow plan set by local Muslim group

(Chicago Sun-Times) Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts apologized Monday for the “pain” caused by Joe Ricketts’ racist emails and promised the Cubs will make an effort to mend their relationship with the Muslim community.

That healing process will, he said, include steps outlined by the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago).

CAIR-Chicago asked the Cubs to support three community initiatives, including anti-bullying efforts, diversity and inclusion training, and scholarships. It also proposed a plan for the “participation of notable Muslims in Cubs and Wrigley Field tradition” and to create anti-hate PSAs featuring Cubs personnel that would attempt to raise awareness against racism.

“We’ll follow through on all that stuff,” Tom Ricketts said reporters in a news conference Monday at Cubs spring training facility in Mesa, Arizona.

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