Men appeal conviction in Via Rail terror plot, argue jury improperly selected

(Canadian Press) Two men found guilty of terrorism charges after being accused of plotting to derail a passenger train are asking Ontario’s highest court to grant them a new trial, arguing the jury that convicted them was improperly selected.

Lawyers for Raed Jaser argue the judge who oversaw the case made several errors, including in rejecting their client’s request as to the method of jury selection.

Jaser’s co-accused, Chiheb Esseghaier, continues to be self-represented but a lawyer appointed to assist him through the legal process agrees the jury was not properly constituted and says a new trial must be ordered for both men.

Though Jaser has raised several other grounds of appeal, the court has said it will first weigh the issue of jury selection before considering the others. The challenge is expected to be heard in a Toronto court on Tuesday.

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