Fleeing IS holdout, French women say foreigners still inside

(AFP) Two French women who fled the Islamic State group’s last pocket in Syria told AFP on Monday more foreigners were trapped inside, barred from leaving by Iraqi jihadists.

The Muslim converts said they paid smugglers to take them out of the battered IS-held holdout of Baghouz to territory held by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.

They said “massacres” had taken place in Baghouz, where others are still trapped with “nothing to eat.”

“There are many French, many muhajireen (foreigners who joined IS) and others who are trying to leave but they (IS) don’t let us,” said one.

“They said only the Syrians and Iraqis can be smuggled out,” said the woman, who said her first name was Christelle, from the city of Bordeaux.

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