German authorities worry about MB influence

(IPT) German officials reportedly see the Muslim Brotherhood as an increasingly subversive force in their society. Attacks by ISIS, combined with Muslim migration to Germany, have fueled social tension.

The reach of the Islamic Community of Germany (ICG), which the German domestic intelligence agency considers the German arm of the Brotherhood, is of particular concern. ICG leaders allegedly give lip service to moderation while privately supporting the transformation of Germany into an Islamic state “in the medium term,” German journalist Axel Spilcker wrote last month in a widely circulated German magazine called the Focus.

The ICG’s former head, Ibrahim El-Zayat, said in 2008 that it was “premature to strike against the Jews and infidels” in Germany, counterterrorism analyst Sam Westrop, now with the Middle East Forum, noted in 2013.

“But sooner or later we will strike against the enemies of Allah and Islam. We have to wait,” El-Zayat said.

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