Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Linda Sarsour’s blood libel

(IPT) When police officers in America shoot unarmed black people, Jewish hands lurk in the background. So says Linda Sarsour, perhaps the most visible Muslim political advocate in the United States — a co-chair of the national Women’s March and a campaign […]

Government & Politics

AfD’s Jews say German far-right party isn’t anti-Semitic A small number of Jewish people are founding a group to support the far-right Alternative for Germany party. They say the reports of the AfD's anti-Semitism are overblown.

(Deutsche Welle) Politicians and Jewish organizations have condemned a new Jewish group affiliated with the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD). The group, Juden in der AfD (“Jews in the AfD,” or JAfD), is preparing for a launch event on October 7 in the city of […]