Keith Ellison says his accuser fabricated domestic violence abuse story, can’t be sure others won’t ‘cook up’ allegations

(Fox) U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison pushed back Friday against allegations of domestic abuse, saying his accuser fabricated the story about him.

The Minnesota Democrat also dismissed a medical record that named him as the abuser, but said he can’t be sure more people won’t “cook up” allegations against him.

Ellison appeared on a televised debate for the Minnesota attorney general’s position, where he faced grilling on the allegations raised by ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan, who said he sent her threatening text messages and once screamed obscenities at her as he dragged her off a bed by her feet.

On Wednesday, Monahan published a medical document where a doctor wrote that Monahan “states that she was in a very stressful environment for years, emotional and physical abuse by a partner with whom she is now separated.”

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