Syrian community fears scapegoating after man new to Canada charged with murder of Marrisa Shen 'The saddest thing is mostly [I've] heard from other Syrians who are extremely shocked by what happened'

(CBC) Members of B.C.’s Syrian community say they are concerned the announcement of Ibrahim Ali’s murder charge for the death of Marrisa Shen — and Ali’s status as a former refugee — could lead to unwarranted backlash.

Police on Monday announced that Ali, 28, has been charged for killing Shen. They described him as a man with no criminal record who arrived in Canada 17 months ago as a refugee from Syria.

Those details caused concern for people like Danny Ramadan, who came to Vancouver from Syria four years ago, himself a refugee.

The acclaimed novelist and LGBTQ activist said for people in his community there is already fear of being vilified for one man’s alleged crime.

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